
Objective: Develop positive relationships with the communities in which FGEN works.

FGEN seeks to encourage positive relationship-building between portfolio assets and the communities in which they sit.

View our portfolio

Making information more accessible

Contribution to ESG indicators:

• community engagement procedures; and
• accessibility of community fund documents.

In order to support FGEN’s stated objective of developing positive relationships with the communities in which FGEN operates, this year a number of changes have been made to increase the availability of information online and to make it easier for communities to contact the asset managers to address questions or concerns. So far, FGEN’s AD portfolio now has a series of project websites that local communities can view to see more about the project itself as well as contact details and information on available community funding.

Next steps

FGEN is working to ensure that each project has an online presence to help it connect with the local community. FGEN intends to host information about each of these projects centrally through its own website, making it easier for communities to access grievance procedures, contact the asset managers and apply for community funding for local projects.